Marilyn and I are always humbled when we receive a review on our GOOYW book and are pleased to share these with you -

"I have had the fortunate opportunity to travel and teach with Larry Singer over the past 10 years. During these times, both Larry and I have been confronted wth numerous questions from our students, most of which center around one's ability to gain success in life. GOOYW gets to the core of the issue - success is based on you and your actions! Certainly, we all have extraneous situations that affect us; however, it is how we react to these situations that will ultimately define who we are and where we end up in life. Larry and Marilyn have successfuly identified the problem (We have found the enemy and it is us!) and have provided a road map for success. Stop asking 'What if?' and ask 'Why not?' Congratulations, Larry and Marilyn (and Harrison) - well done!"  - TIM SARDINIA, Director - Millennium Funding

"I just blazed through this important summary of how you may destroy forever the will to fail. Better still, how to open a treasure chest of dynamic thinking, focused energies, with direction and determination... in you, by you. Time to create and re-create the new you. A giant step toward soaring new auto-wisdom. I needed this book and I'll bet you do too. I'm now 20 years younger!" - HAL GREEN

"I feel very lucky to have taken an online class with Larry Singer and required to read this book. It was extremely inspirational and motivational. It helps you become proactive about your goals/life and to come to terms with the reasons you may have gotten in your own way of your own success. It was an easy read and personally reminded me to dream big and achieve my goals. It also taught me simple tactics on how to act/what to do in order to achieve them. It is a book for all ages and should be used as a constant reminder in life, not just for being successful, but also for being a happier and better person." - DANIELLE YADAIE

"I just wanted to let you know that I loved the book! I found it very light reading, motivating and encouraging!!! With so many negative influences coming at us each day, it is very easy for individuals to get discouraged, complacent, lazy or simply unmotivated. Your book encompasses personal experience, wisdom of other great leaders, and coaching advice on how to stay positive and go after your goals and dreams. Thank you! Even I needed this encouragement! Best regards." - ED BEROWSKI




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